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Webinar: Attention on prevention

How to integrate a proactive, preventative approach into your employee wellbeing programmes

Aug 02 2023 4 min read

Qured recently hosted a webinar in partnership with the Make A Difference Media team. Lyz Swanton, Qured COO, was joined by Dr Beverley Flint, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Founder of Flint Training and Consultancy, and Dr Sally Hemming, Health and Wellbeing Lead at Ernst & Young.

The webinar aimed to explore the different needs across the generations in the workforce and how employers can implement preventative health programmes effectively.

Here are some of the main takeaways:

Prevention Matters at Every Age

The importance of prevention applies to all age groups in the workforce. While there are commonalities, different life stages and generational needs should be considered when designing health programmes. Younger generations are not immune to poor health. In fact cancer rates in the past three decades have increased faster for 25-29-year-olds than any other age group. Investing in your health, and a pension!, in your 20’s really pays off in the long run.

Shifting from Reactive to Proactive

Rather than waiting for health issues to arise, a proactive approach is advocated. Optimising health along the way and addressing smaller issues as they arise is more effective than treating severe health problems. All parties agreed that screening for health issues before they become a problem should be a priority.

Employer's Role in Behaviour Change 

Employers play a crucial role in promoting behaviour change for health and wellbeing. This involves putting out the right messages, ensuring access to necessary resources, and addressing the root causes of workplace ill-health. 

Customisation and Inclusivity

Preventative programmes should be customised and inclusive, taking into account different demographics and levels of engagement. For best outcomes, employers need to understand the specific needs of their workforce and must be able to measure the impact of the health benefits they offer.

Mental Health

All speakers highlighted the increasing prevalence of mental health problems in the workplace, possibly due to improved awareness and younger generations' openness to discussing mental health issues. All agreed that creating a supportive culture that values employee wellbeing is fundamental.

Work as a Force for Good

Work can be a force for good in supporting employee wellbeing, even in the presence of chronic illnesses. Employers need to demonstrate their commitment to employee wellbeing, role model positive behaviours, and ensure the accessibility of programs for everyone.

Leadership's Responsibility

Leaders have a significant responsibility in driving change and creating positive working environments. They should prioritise wellbeing alongside other business objectives and utilise existing wellbeing resources effectively.

The full webinar is available to watch here

Find out more about how Qured can support your oganisation in implementing a proactive, preventative health screening programme.

Working towards a healthier workplace

Take action today and book a call to speak with us about how Qured’s preventative health benefit can support you to create a healthier workplace.